Thursday, April 30, 2020

What "Emotions" & "Thoughts" do to our body?

  Our emotions have a direct connection to our body.That lets them have a big impact not only on our mental but also on our bodily state. With the right knowledge, it’s possible to see how powerful our emotions are and how they can help you to manage your state of mind and keep your body healthy.

            Have you ever wondered what you can do to your life with the help of the emotions? If we consider our feelings when they bother us, we can't  only help ourselves but also bring harmony to our mental and physical state.
Lets talk with some examples:

When in love, you may notice a racing heartbeat and your hands getting sweatier. It is caused by the stimulation of adrenaline and nor-epinephrine, explained  a clinical sexologist and licensed marriage and family therapist. At the same time, oxytocin, the “love hormone,” makes you feel happy, confident, and fades your pain as the “painkiller” areas of the brain are being activated, and your heart becomes healthier.It is said that married people live longer than singles.
   Depression is a brain disorder that can lead to emotional  part. This state increases your risk of a number of illnesses and makes your Immune system weak. It also causes "Insomnia" because of an inability to get comfortable or lots of troubled thoughts. Depression and exposure to stress lead to a risk of a heart attack
          A depressed person can also have trouble with their memory or making decisions.

    Negative attitudes and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can create chronic stress, which upsets the body's hormone balance, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness, and damages the immune system. chronic stress can actually decrease our lifespan. 
      Science has now identified that stress shortens our telomeres, the “end caps” of our DNA strands, which causes us to age more quickly.

         Poorly managed or bad anger is also related to a slew of health conditions, such as hypertension (high blood pressure), Cardiovascular disease, digestive disorder and infection.

   It's important to recognize our thoughts and emotions and be aware of the effect they have—not only on each other, but also on our bodies, behavior, and relationship.

so, be happy in any situation & don't try to hide your emotions and try to control it in worst situation.


Monday, April 27, 2020

How many trees are there for per person in India? We are in danger zone

   Trees for per person:
The researchers say, that there are 422 trees for every person on Earth.

What about our India?

There are only 35 billion trees in India to shade a population of 1.3 billion.
Among highly populous countries, India (population, 1.267 billion) has a tree population of only 35 billion, leading to just 28 trees per person.
Compared to Brazil which has 301 billion trees (1,494 per person), Canada 318 billion (8,953 per person), and China 139 billion (102 trees per person). The U.S. has 319 million people in 2014, but 228 billion trees. That’s 716 trees per person.
The nation with the single largest number of trees was Russia, with 641 billion, and 4,461 trees per person based on 2014 population estimates — statistics underscoring the the vastness of Siberia’s boreal forests.

There are two scenarios: don't stop burning fossil fuels and leave CO2 levels alone,
stop burning fossil fuels and return to pre-Industrial Revolution levels.

Within a few years we are going to face a lot of great dangers

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Waggle dance of honey bee

What is waggle dance?

 The waggle dance is special movement ("figure-of-eight") that is done by the honey bee near of its hive. By this process, a worker bee tells the others where it has found nectar (sugar- rich liquid produced by plants).This was shown by the Australian Ethologist  Karl von Frisch .

Why they do the waggle dance?

When a worker discovers a good source of nectar or pollen , she will return to near his hive to perform a waggle dance to let her nest( house of birds) mates know where it lies . A bee performs the waggle dance when she wants to inform other bees of a nectar or water source she found.

 It is used to be thought that bees have two distinct requirement dances. There were the "Round dances" and "waggle dances".Round dances were thought to be  used for things that were close by and Waggle dances for things farther away . It is now known that a round dance is only a waggle dance with a very short "Waggle run" (when the bee run through a small wave like pattern , it is  called Waggle run or Waggle phase).

Things you need to know about Waggle dance!

 A waggle dance is made up of  1 to 100 or more circuits ( here circuit means rotation). Each circuit has two phases. These phases are the waggle phase and the return phase. When a bee returns to the hive after finding a good food source , it performs the dance & running method of the bee is called waggle run.

  After this it will turn to the right and circle back to the starting point (the return phase) .It will then do another waggle run and then turn to the left and circle back to the starting point.

Relation between direction , duration of waggle run with the angle of sun 

 The direction and duration of waggle runs show the direction and distance to flowers. Flowers that are located directly in line with the sun are shown by waggle runs in an upward direction of vertical combs.  If the flowers are at an angle to the right or left of the sun , the waggle run is done at the same angle to the upward direction.

      The distance between hive and flowers is shown in the duration of the waggle runs . The farther the flowers are from the hive , the longer the waggle phase .

The more I understood , the more I tried to convince you.

   Thank you